Warning Signs
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Eight Warning Signs That He is Going to End it
Signs that the Relationship is Over
When a relationship ends, we tend to wonder where it went wrong. Were there any warning signs that he lost interest? YES. But you were so wrapped up in the relationship or with other things that you didn’t even see it coming. Here are eight warning signs he is no longer interested... or maybe these are how you are acting. Either way it is time to take a closer look at your relationship and decide whether you want it or not.
Warning Sign #1: He hasn’t called you for a few days
This isn't necessarily a sign that it is over, but if you are use to him calling frequently then there is something wrong.
Warning Sign #2: Picking fights
Does he fly off the handle more than usual? Is he causing arguments over stupid little things? This is often a bad case when people are no longer interested in a relationship but they don’t want to be the one to end it. Don’t beat about the bush. Ask him out right if he is no longer interested in the relationship.
Warning Sign #3: He's being secretive
He no longer wants to tell you where he has been or who was on the phone. Maybe the phone is off limits to you. He disappears for hours without an explanation.
Warning Sign #4: He no longer refers to "we" but "I"
You use to sit and plan your future together. "We are going to do this, we are going to do that". Now it is "I am going to do this". You are no longer included in his future.
Warning Sign #5: He’d rather spend time with his friends than you
You have to fight with his friends for his attention. Before you were most important in his life. Now his friends are more important than you.
Warning Sign #6: You no longer talk
Once upon a time you would sit and have discussions about everything from the weather to what is happening to the ozone. Now he just answers everything with a "yes". You no longer have deep discussions.
Warning Sign #7: Friends start asking what's wrong
Friends begin to notice tension or distance between you. They start asking if everything's "all right".
Warning Sign #8: He's more critical of you
"That’s a horrible dress," he says. Yet he helped you pick it out only a few weeks ago.
Remember that these are only warning signs and, in fact, your relationship may just be going through a rough patch. Talk to each other first before you do anything you may regret.
advicer http://www.new-dating.com/